Sunday, October 25, 2015

Choosing the right Protein Powder

            You have or will notice it is difficult to determine what type of protein you should be choosing for your specific goal set, gaining or losing weight. I am personally still trying to find the right amount of protein to sugar intake because the better tasting proteins will have high amounts of protein and sugar with it. While the protein powder that is better for cutting is lacking in taste due to the amount of sugar and other flavors in it.
            Basically what you want too look for in protein powder is four things.
-          Types of Protein used
-          Flavors and sweeteners used
-          Cost per serving or per gram of protein
-          Additional ingredients used to enhance the product’s benefits

1.      The types of protein used can be categorized as animal or vegetable based proteins. The more popular Animal proteins, milk, whey, casein, beef and egg white, are better tasting and more nutritionally superior to vegetable proteins. They consist of soy, rice, pea, hemp and sprouted grains. Most people using vegetable proteins do so as a part of a vegetarian life style. Animal proteins are better suited for gaining weight and muscle.

2.      Flavoring of protein powders falls into three categories. No flavors, artificial/natural flavors or a combination of them both, and only natural flavors. The no additional flavored protein powders are more tailored to cooking or baking. Helps create a somewhat healthy and protein filled baked goodie. The artificial flavors are all approved for use in food products by all relevant regulatory agencies, so they have no effect on the nutritional value of the protein powder. But health conscious people still prefer the naturally sourced forms of sweeteners and flavors.

3.      The cost per serving is a somewhat crucial indicator of quality protein. The problem that arises with this though is that most protein powder manufacturers do mixes of protein called their proprietary mix, this is a problem because different types of protein cost different amounts and the manufacturer will never show the exact mix ratio. Ideally you will want to buy the smallest amount you can of a protein powder the first time you test it out. A two-pound tub of protein powder will only yield 25-30 servings, which can be easily burned though in a little over a month. But once you find a protein you really enjoy you should buy the biggest amount as possible for the price break advantageous.

4.      The addition of ingredients to protein powder is great for boosting the quality of protein powder. Some additional ingredients to be aware of in protein powder is lecithin granules, a healthy fat from soy, amino acids and glutamine. There should be a few grams of each per servings.

This is just a brief explanation of what to look for in protein powder. I believe I will be writing a more indepth article about this topic in the near future.  Here is a more detailed guide 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Product Promotions for you (Click bank and cafe press)

The Book Fitness Modeling Work: Chronicles of a Working Fitness Personality. This would be great for the advantageous fitness junky who want to become a model. It also provides a wealth of information that you can only get from professionals in the fitness community. 
Click Here!

The book, Health and Fitness for Introverts by Alykhan Gulamali is an easy to read to become the best version of yourself, physically and mentally. It was a book written for introverts by an ex-introvert. It is a wealth of knowledge to proper exercises, diet and calorie tracking.
Click Here!

And for those fitness people who just cant say no to a delicious dessert here is 50 Healthy Raw Desserts. A cook book for, as you guessed it, 50 baked goodness that wont add on the calories.
 Click Here!

Also take a look at my Cafe Press products, of men's and women's work out shirts.
The men shirt's come in black and white with the words, "Bearded Lifters do it Better"
While the women shirt's say "Stronger Than his Beard" in black and white options.
There is also the mens shirt of a bearded lifter.

Weight loss training

   So as most of you have noticed I have been focusing a little too much on weight training and strength building. So for today’s post I am going to discuss some workout tips for fat loss then lay out a workout schedule for you.
            The tips I am going to discuss are…
1.      Lift weight to lose weight
2.      Don’t skip the cardio
3.      Abs work outs are great but efficient
4.      Yoga and Pilates
5.      Consistency
Let’s begin with lift weight to lose weight, simple enough of an idea isn’t it. As I have laid out in the previous post of strength training, lifting weight causing considerable muscle performance, burning calories. As for men strength training, with proper calories in take, will cause muscle’s to grow but with women, who have lower amounts of testosterone and eat a lower calorie diet, wont bulk up on muscles and instead will have more defined toned muscles. When women focus on building muscle it will help maintain a higher resting metabolic rate, which means a more efficient calorie burning body and help maintain muscle mass as women age.
Don’t skip the cardio or aerobic exercises. This usually means running and jogging, while it is a great way to burn calories it also takes a considerable amount of time and effort to burn an effective amount of calories. So for the men and women with busy lives but still need that aerobic exercise try HIIT exercise or High Intensity Interval Training. This is where you run or bike at about 90% of your max speed for short bursts of time, then slow down for a few minutes then ramp it back up for maximum calorie burning efficiency.  
Abs are great to train and will help with stabilizing yourself with compound exercises, but ab exercises focus on building ab muscle and not on burning calories. It’ll be hard to see your ab muscles if they are covered in a layer of fat. So focus more on calorie burning exercises then on ab exercises.
Let’s not forget about the benefits of Yoga and Pilates. These two sets of exercises focus directly on calorie burning and flexibility, along with core development. This combination of calorie burning and flexibility will help with recovery and better at lifting. Ideally you will want to do these types of exercise about twice a week.  
The last and most important tip is to be consistent. It does not help you at all when you work out for a solid week then take a week off, it only causes confusing with in your body. You should never wait more than 3 days between workouts. The National Weight Control Registry, a database of thousands of people who’ve been able to successfully maintain their weight over the years, says that regularity is important. 

Weight Loss Workouts
Monday: Cardio Day
-          HIIT Routine: 15 minutes on treadmill - Light jog for 2 minutes at raised angle to the floor. At 2 minute mark increase speed to 90% of max running speed for 30 seconds, then drop back to resting speed, 30% of max running speed for 1 minute. Then raise again to 90% of max speed for 30 seconds. Continue this until 15 minute mark is reached.
Tuesday: Weight/Yoga
-          Weight training: Squats 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight. Don’t need to push to hard
o   Bench press: 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight
o   Overhead Press: 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight
-          Yoga: most gyms offer hour long classes, if not then look for beginner yoga videos on YouTube.
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Cardio Day
-          Distance running: Either on treadmill or outside with GPS tracker (Most phones have apps for this)
-          Run at least 2 miles as quickly as you can.
Friday: Weight/Yoga
-          Weight Training: Squats: 3 sets of 8-10 at increased weight from Tuesday’s weight. 5 or 10 pounds
o   Deadlift: 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight
o   Up right row: 3 sets of 8-10
-          Yoga
Saturday: Cardio
-          HIIT Routine: Try and surpass 15 minutes.  
Sunday: Rest Day

Friday, October 23, 2015

Strength Building

            Alright so in previous posts and articles I have discussed strength building. But what is it exactly? Well it is exactly what you think it is when you hear the name, it is a work out procedure to build strength and form. The work out structure is based on the 5x5 scale. Where you do a few set workouts of five sets of five reps every other day. So generally you are in the gym three to four days a week with a rest day in between.
            The workouts are centered around the use of a Olympic barbell and do compound lifts, that is for those who don’t remember is where you use groups of muscles to do lifts. The exercise used are squats, bench press, overhead press, deadlifts and upright rows. Lets outline the work out now.
One rep max= 1RPM
1.      Squats- 5x5 at 90% of 1RPM- so if your one rep max is 150lbs then you do 5 sets of 5 reps each of 135lbs
2.      Overhead press (Standing)- 5x5 at 90% of 1RPM
3.      Deadlift- 5x5 at 90% of 1RPM
Tuesday- Rest day
1.      Squat- 5x5 at 90% of Monday weight – this allows you to tighten your muscles for Fridays work out
2.      Bench press at 90% of Monday weight
3.      Upright Row at 90% of Monday weight
Thursday- Rest day
1.      Squat- 5x1 at 1RPM- If you can do more then one rep add weight by increments of 5lbs until you can only do one or none at all. This is now your new 1RPM.
2.      Overhead Press- 5x1 of 1RPM – Same rules apply as squats
3.      Deadlift- 5x1 of 1RPM – Same rules apply as squats
Saturday-Sunday: Rest day
Then on Monday you start the exercise over but switch the beginning exercises. So if you do as I have laid out for Monday with squats, overhead press then deadlift, you switch to squats, bench press and upright rows. This will cause a small amount of muscle confusion.
Also please remember the few rules of strength training.
-          Rest often, don’t do each set of reps one right after another, rest about 3-5 minutes in between and take rest days. You should never exercise every day, it hurts your muscle too much.
-          Don’t exercise until muscle failure. It wont allow you too get the proper power for the next exercise day.
-          Drink a lot of water, a gallon a day and eat more then 3000 calories a day.
-          Protein, protein, protein. Eat your weight in grams of protein. Example I weight 190lbs so I try to eat 200 grams of protein a day.

-          Stretches, do about 5-10 minutes of stretches after your exercise. This will allow your muscle to stretch and expand. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Review of Bearded Fitness

            Let us take a look at what my site, Bearded Fitness, has to offer you. First and foremost is the content of my blog. I give you, the readers, and quality information regarding the fitness life style and how to get started. From workout programs to quality nutrition plans. Whether you want too loose weight or gain, I have the answer for you.
            You can find the answers I have on the feed page of my blog, where I routinely update content or on the side of my blog as additional pages, where I give you a more in depth analysis of fitness principles. The content of my blog feed is filled with workout schedules, Eating Habits, nutrition, debunking common myths within the field of fitness, and even recommendations on products I personally have tested and blogs I find joy in.
            The more in depth writings I have on additional pages, found to the write of your screen, include How to Build Muscle/Strength, How to Eat 3000 Calories in a Day and the Top 10 best Supplements. Now I know what you must be thinking, “That’s not a lot of information” or “What else can you tell me?” and what I say to that is, please be patient. I am one man trying to provide you with the best quality service I can. It will take time but don’t worry I will be routinely updating Bearded Fitness.

            Just recently I have created an additional site, with the help of CafĂ© Press, for the sale of Bearded Fitness Merchandise!! So please stay tuned as I will be adding more products and content for your pleasure. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sneeze Page

            In my last few posts I have looked at a variety of products and workouts for you guys to get a base of understanding for your fitness goals. Today I am going to review a few of them and try and establish a more grounded routine.
            Yesterday on October 3, “Product Recommendations”, I discussed some product recommendations for mass gainers and fat cutters, the Syntha-6 and Hydroxycut. As a rule of thumb for this fall and winter season I suggest to just use a protein shake like Syntha-6 and work on building mass and strength then weight loss. This is because during the winter times our bodies are trying to put on fat to keep us warm.
            `I would also continue to use the supplements I discussed in October 2’s post, “Let’s review Some Supplements”, Amino Acids, Vitamin Packs and Protein Shakes with Carbo Gains. These products will help anyone, especially during bulking session, to add on that much desired weight.

            In a Page Link on the right hand side of my blog you will notice a link called How to Build Muscle/Strength, this is a brief discussion and tips on how to truly build muscle, but it contradicts one of my earlier posts “Work Out Schedule”. In this post I layout a beginner’s workout schedule which will work on separate muscle groups each day at the gym, throughout the week. While this is crucial for cutting fat, it doesn’t do much for building muscle. I would suggest for beginners to work more on separate muscle groups as I had laid out in my workout schedule post until you have built up a little muscle, cut fat and really focused on how to lift properly. Once this is done I would switch over to the strength building exercises in the How to Build Muscle/Strength post, that way you know how to lift properly and can really focus on the gains from lifting. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Product Recommendations

                As a installment to yesterday’s post I am going to make some product recommendations for supplements. Now as I said in my previous post, Let’s Review Some Supplements, I said that these supplements are what work for me and that I have spent the better part of 2 years discovering them. So what I want to do today is discuss a starting point for mass gainers and fat cutters.
Mass Gainers:
                The goal of Mass gainers, or muscle builders, is too eat more calories than they expend. This is mostly a dietary concern that I will discuss later in future post, but a crucial factor is protein and thus finding a great quality protein shake is a necessity. I began my fitness journey with Syntha-6, a lean muscle building agent with three grams of sugar and twenty-two grams of protein per serving. It also gave me a healthy dose of dietary fiber and calcium along with a great boost of amino acids.
                Syntha-6 would be a great product if you are rather over weight because it will allow you too still get the healthy buildup of protein but without all the fat and sugar in a normal diet. I usually consumed around 2-3 servings a day, one in the morning between breakfast and lunch, and another after the gym. Sometimes one before the gym as well, if I didn’t get enough dinner.
Fat Cutters:
                A great supplement that I have heard some really positive reviews of, and plan to use this cutting session or bikini session, is Hyrdoxycut Hardcore Next Gen. Hydroxycut provides a scientifically proven mix to amplify weight loss, thermogenesis and enhances mental focus. They can achieve this will a mixture of Green Coffee, Caffeine, Scullcap and Coleus. I know these term don’t make much sense but esstential what these products do independently is crucial.
1.       Green Coffee acts a blocker of fat within your body.
2.       Caffeine Anhydrous is essential what you get in your morning cup of coffee only more purified. It acts as a trigger for thermogenesis, increased energy and enhanced focus.
3.       Scullap or Blue Scullcap act as an anxiety reducer, essential improving your mood for the gym.
4.       Coleus works in tandem with caffeine, essential improving mood, motivation and energy.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Lets Review some supplements

            Today I am going to giving you guys, and gals, some products that I truly enjoy for my workout routine. A brief introduction of the products I use are Cellucor’s C4 pre-workout, ON’s Amino Acids, “ANIMAL” Vitamin Pack, Dymatize Nutrition’s Protein shake and Now Sports Carbo Gain. As you have noticed I do not have one specific brand that I use over and over again. That is because of my personal body type and motives, each person is going to feel differently from each product, so there is no “right” product supplements too use. These are just the ones I have found to be most beneficial.
            Let’s start with Cellucor’s C4 Pre-Workout watermelon flavored, this is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals needed to get a body going for a maximum impact workout. It is used about an hour before the gym, as if pre-workout didn’t specify enough, the main ingredients used are what is called the explosive energy blend. A mixture of Caffeine Anhydrous, velvet bean seed extract and tetramethyluric acid. This blend gives you a sheer boost of energy for the gym, so you can push hard faster and longer. But be careful with the dosage, start out small and work your way up.
            Next, my go to supplement, ON’s Amino Acid. As stated in previous articles amino acid is essential muscle recovery and building. The best part of amino acids is that you can drink them at any time you need a little pick me up. In the morning, afternoon or night, before, during and after the gym. But I would not recommend going past 3-4 servings in a given day, you need other sources of amino acids too truly build a better body.
            Next would be ANIMAL Vitamin pack. This pack is a mixture of various vitamins for performance, antioxidant, digestive enzymes and even more amino acids! There is so many vitamins in this pack that I could spend hours just listing them. ANIMAL vitamin pack is what I use to finish off a work out to replenish my body. But you can also eat them before or during a workout to give you that much needed push. This type of supplement is a little more then what is needed for beginners or people just looking too loose weight, but it is essential for mass gainers and athletes.
            The last two supplement I am going to discuss is Dymatize Nutrition’s Protein shake and Now Sports Cardo Gain, the reason I am going to discuss these to simultaneously is because I take both of these supplements at once. The protein shake is filled with 21 grams of protein, 130 calories, 4 grams of basic vitamins and only 4 grams of sugar. While the Carbo Gainer is 63 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of sugar. With this combination it creates a power house for muscle repair and growth. Once again these types of supplements are not really needed for beginners and definitely not for those looking to lose weight. These are for the mass gainers mainly.

            I personally believe that all these supplement are a 5 out of 5 stars. They are all at a reasonable price, available at most vitamin stores such as the Vitamin Shop and GNC or online at various retailers. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blogs we all can enjoy

            Today I am going to talk a little bit about some of the top bloggers in the fitness world. Lets begin with my personal favorite and also previously mentioned blogger Adam Bornstein of Born Fitness.
As stated in my previous post I really enjoy Adam’s approach to fitness training and diet coaching. He really cares for the people who read his blog and has created a rather impressive testimonial list. I would recommend his works for anyone trying to get some very detailed information about nutrition and targeting specific muscle groups.
            Although I do believe he does into too great of detail for the average novice to really understand. I mean I have been exercising for the past 2-3 years and I still didn’t completely understand everything he said in only a few blogs I have read. So I would suggest that if you want to read Adam’s blog and retain content, keep a pen a paper handy.
            A new blog that I have recently come across is Eat, Lift and Be Happy by Neghar Fonooni. Her blog is catered towards women and is all about how women can achieve and maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Her blog is centers on empowering women and creating an atmosphere of self-love and acceptance. I’m a guy and I still love looking through her blogs from time to time and just absorbing her positive mindset about the world and life she lives.
            As a fitness blog I feel that it is a great resource for women who are just starting to better their nutrition and for women who have spent years developing that lifestyle. In my mind this is a great blog, 10 out of 10 stars.
Another blog I have found great joy in is Nerd Fitness. This blog is written by a group of individuals who, as you guessed it, Nerds. They are men and women who have come together to form a group under their flag of nerdiness and fitness.
I enjoy this blog because it creates a sense of community with its members and gives highlights to individual’s personal fitness accomplishments. I just viewed it today and they discuss Mike, last name withheld, and his amazing transformation from a overweight man to a powerhouse of muscle. The blog didn’t just what Mike did in the gym and how he ate to change himself, but also went into who he was before he began his journey with Nerd Fitness. I, and most likely you, can find his story motivating.