Saturday, October 24, 2015

Weight loss training

   So as most of you have noticed I have been focusing a little too much on weight training and strength building. So for today’s post I am going to discuss some workout tips for fat loss then lay out a workout schedule for you.
            The tips I am going to discuss are…
1.      Lift weight to lose weight
2.      Don’t skip the cardio
3.      Abs work outs are great but efficient
4.      Yoga and Pilates
5.      Consistency
Let’s begin with lift weight to lose weight, simple enough of an idea isn’t it. As I have laid out in the previous post of strength training, lifting weight causing considerable muscle performance, burning calories. As for men strength training, with proper calories in take, will cause muscle’s to grow but with women, who have lower amounts of testosterone and eat a lower calorie diet, wont bulk up on muscles and instead will have more defined toned muscles. When women focus on building muscle it will help maintain a higher resting metabolic rate, which means a more efficient calorie burning body and help maintain muscle mass as women age.
Don’t skip the cardio or aerobic exercises. This usually means running and jogging, while it is a great way to burn calories it also takes a considerable amount of time and effort to burn an effective amount of calories. So for the men and women with busy lives but still need that aerobic exercise try HIIT exercise or High Intensity Interval Training. This is where you run or bike at about 90% of your max speed for short bursts of time, then slow down for a few minutes then ramp it back up for maximum calorie burning efficiency.  
Abs are great to train and will help with stabilizing yourself with compound exercises, but ab exercises focus on building ab muscle and not on burning calories. It’ll be hard to see your ab muscles if they are covered in a layer of fat. So focus more on calorie burning exercises then on ab exercises.
Let’s not forget about the benefits of Yoga and Pilates. These two sets of exercises focus directly on calorie burning and flexibility, along with core development. This combination of calorie burning and flexibility will help with recovery and better at lifting. Ideally you will want to do these types of exercise about twice a week.  
The last and most important tip is to be consistent. It does not help you at all when you work out for a solid week then take a week off, it only causes confusing with in your body. You should never wait more than 3 days between workouts. The National Weight Control Registry, a database of thousands of people who’ve been able to successfully maintain their weight over the years, says that regularity is important. 

Weight Loss Workouts
Monday: Cardio Day
-          HIIT Routine: 15 minutes on treadmill - Light jog for 2 minutes at raised angle to the floor. At 2 minute mark increase speed to 90% of max running speed for 30 seconds, then drop back to resting speed, 30% of max running speed for 1 minute. Then raise again to 90% of max speed for 30 seconds. Continue this until 15 minute mark is reached.
Tuesday: Weight/Yoga
-          Weight training: Squats 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight. Don’t need to push to hard
o   Bench press: 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight
o   Overhead Press: 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight
-          Yoga: most gyms offer hour long classes, if not then look for beginner yoga videos on YouTube.
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Cardio Day
-          Distance running: Either on treadmill or outside with GPS tracker (Most phones have apps for this)
-          Run at least 2 miles as quickly as you can.
Friday: Weight/Yoga
-          Weight Training: Squats: 3 sets of 8-10 at increased weight from Tuesday’s weight. 5 or 10 pounds
o   Deadlift: 3 sets of 8-10 at comfortable weight
o   Up right row: 3 sets of 8-10
-          Yoga
Saturday: Cardio
-          HIIT Routine: Try and surpass 15 minutes.  
Sunday: Rest Day

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